Sunday, October 16, 2005

Knock on Wood!

Two nights in a row, at around 8 pm, Indiana has fussed. I dropped him into the crib and in about two minutes things have gotten quiet. This is night number three. I am nervous. I am ready for the yelling to begin, the "rock me rock me rock me I'm TIRED" screams. I sit poised to head for his bedroom, where he is lying, semi-conscious in his crib. I am PRAYING that he will drift, unaided by the rocker-recliner, into sleep. He has been sleeping from 8pm to about four or 5 in the morning. After a quick bottle he goes back to bed for about four more hours. So, eight at night to eight in the morning, getting up only once... I am SO happy. I usually get up to potty more than that!


Monica said...

That's just wonderful! See it wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be was it? There will still be nights when things don't go so well. But for the most part, if you can start a schedule and stick to it, I think he will do great! What a cutie he is!

cube said...

Keep up the routine. Don't go all wobbly now.

Bart Treuren said...

good to read the routine is starting to set in... i can feel with you, the broken nights and feeling wrecked...

i went almost mad for a while due to lack of sleep and the broken routine...

♥Caroline♥ said...

You have adorable kids! Keep up the good work!