Sunday, November 13, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Today is my brother Michael's birthday.
He is a wonderfully funny guy.
I am fortunate to have him as a brother.
Happy 15th birthday!


Karen said...

Happy birthday to your brother! Greetings from Wisconsin.

Michele sent me....

Amstaffie said...

Happy b-day Michael! Wow, what I'd give to be 15 again... not having a care in the world! :)

Hasan Mubarak said...

Happy belated Birthday Machael!

it was nice to hear about how much your elder sister loves you

Hasan Mubarak said...

sorry for the spelling mistake.
So when are we getting the Birthday cake piece??

Bart Treuren said...

so, congratulations even though a little late... little guys become big ones, but birthdays still need to be celebrated, eh?