Sure at nap time i put him in the crib, and say nite nite and walk away. Sure after about 30 seconds it gets really quiet. Well, i always thought he was asleep. Today i crept in to put a toy away that we had left out. What to my surprised eyes appears? A little boy, playing with all his toys; cheerfully chewing on three things at once. He spots me after just a moment. Perhaps he could hear my stunned silence!?! He grabs a rail and struggles to his feet to "chat" at me. I get much daaa-daaaa geeee-geeee and a few girlish squeaks. I suppose if he is going to play quietly, alone in his crib, who am i to argue. For this one, i think i am going to just count my blessings and move on! Peace and quiet, no matter how it comes about, is too rare to quibble over!
Darling photo's...I'm here from Michele's and happt I came! And by the way, Michele says hello, too!
Your post brings back dear memories. They are so cute when they are little. My baby is now 17, he is darling, too, but in a very different way. Enjoy your little one.
THou Brokest the rules at Michele's meet n greet. Thou shalt be suject to sever discipline by flogging witha rolled up blog! Now where di i put yesterday's blog? hmmmmm
(let me get back tou you on this)
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