Friday, September 23, 2005

I am A Brash American

It has oft been said that Americans are brash and brutish when they are abroad in Europe. I am as proud of being American as I am supposed to be, but I know that when it comes down to it, how many languages do I know!?! How many languages does my son know!?!
Problem Solved!
You see, there is this great young man in the Netherlands who's blog I have been enjoying. He has some neat photos of the Netherlands, and things that are probably ordinary to him, but are interesting to me. I couldn't read a word of it though! That was a bummer. Until I found the babelfish. Next time you find an interesting website, but find your brash American-ness showing thru, finding yourself with only one language, and it ISN'T the one you need to read the page you want...Try babelfish. Thanks men-a-men, I am enjoying your site much more now with a translator!!


runlady said...

Hi Dak-Ind, thanks for visiting my blog.

Nice to see as an American you are making an effort to understand the rest of the world.

Americans often give the impression of being arrogant and ignorant of the rest of the world. And it's not just a language barrier, there are significant cultural barriers as well. But technology like babelfish is making the world smaller.

men-a-men*s said...

Hello Dak-ind.,

I am Men's (men-a-men)mother, Men is in bed already, but I like to respond on your comment. I find it so nice that some one so far from the netherlands is reading my sons blog! How great it is that you can read his blog by babelfish! I love your blog and I read it everyday!
Hope to speak to you again!
Love Maud