Thursday, September 22, 2005


Indiana enjoys all manner of Vegetation. Geneva and Duecie were kind enough to give us a few wonderful new plants. I just hope we can keep Indiana from using them as snack food! Posted by Picasa


prying1 said...

I hear most poisonous plants taste bad. Still woudn't hurt to keep an eye on him though. Cute little tyke. - You may have heard all this before but I have to say it. I gotta wonder how all the baby boomers survived. Our parents didn't know or care if houseplants were poisonous. There were no locks on cabinets under the sink. AND we stood up in the back seat without seatbelts!

cube said...

I don't think the Dracenia marginata in the picture is poisonous, but it's always a good idea to keep on eye on kids. They can be fast little devils, sometimes faster than their parents.