Friday, December 02, 2005

Candy Cane

Indiana is definitely enjoying the holiday season. He plays with all the paper as we wrap gifts! He loves the twinkling of the tree. He enjoys the lights outside. He even accepts egg-nog. But the best part of Christmas for Indiana so far? Candy Canes!! He will devour as much as we will allow him, and them whimper for more!

Today, it rained. I don't mean the "drip-drop-mist-rain", oh NO. Today, while we were OUTSIDE helping hang my mom's Christmas lights it POURED BATHTUBS of ICE COLD rain. But, her lights are up. When we got home, I had to help the neighbors put up their lights, too. But, now I wont have to mess with lights again until new years day, when they all come down again.


FattyPants said...

The rain was horrible today! Hubby is on lights duty tomorrow so hopefully it will lighten up. I agree with Indiana, the candy canes are the best part. Thanks for stopping by last week.

Klop said...

candy canes are great.

as far as indiana goes... sounds like if he enjoys wrapping paper, he's the kind of kid who even though you buy him the ultra-coolest toy, he's more interested in the box that said toy came in.

we've had some fairly nasty weather lately. thankfully it was a bit nicer out tonight though.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

I think Christmas should be moved to August, when there are no holidays now, but also hardly any rain. Nobody knows when Jesus was born, anyway.

Hasan Mubarak said...

looks like you people are really enjoying the holiday season...

I love rain but certainly not when it's ice cold!

tlm said...

Psst... Indy... Tell mommy to buy you some of those Holiday White Chocolate-covered Oreos. They're much better than candy canes!

craziequeen said...

All that LOVELY sugar - poor Indie will be gigh for a fortnight! :-)

Michele sent me, even though I think you are asleep atm! ;-)

Faira said...

Can you send me this picture, I love it!!

cube said...

Candy canes are one of my favorites, too. I wish they made sugerless ones that taste good so I wouldn't have to feel guilty when I eat a huge container of the little ones.

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