Sunday, August 07, 2005


We have to get our exercise! Indiana is learning to love his jumper. He likes to stand up in it and spin himself slowly in circles, looking all around. He hasn't really got the hang of "jumping" yet. hehe. Today was a nice day. We did a lot. My mom came by, and we all went to Staples. Later, Chris's mom came for dinner (corn meal battered cat fish!!). She had spent the day helping Gary clean his house and re-arrange his furniture. He wouldn't stay for dinner... Which was okay, more catfish for me. Jessica called to tell us all was well with her new little one. Indiana just did Indiana stuff. He played with his dad a lot, and in his saucer, as well as his jumper. He watched me do my house work, and tried to help his dad make dinner. He is getting so vocal, talking all the time. We made the appointment (last Friday) for his next round of shots at the end of the month. I am looking forward to the doctor giving us an accurate weigh in. He seems to be growing by the ton everyday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work