I am a fairly laid back type of mother. Sure, my house is clean and he gets nutritious food, but I am not "anal-retentive" about it.
He can have snacks now and then that perhaps a more structured woman wouldn't feed her children. He can stay up later than his usual bedtime because he isn't drowsy enough to sleep.
Indy just kind of lives, if that makes sense, or you know what I mean.
He dances to music because music is playing, not because I make him.
He plays with the ball because it is there and so is he, I don't hand it to him.
I read to him because he brings a book to me and "Asks" for me to read it. (ok he hands it to me and makes fun grunty noises).
He cuddles his blanket and sucks him thumb, and it doesn't hurt him. (the buck teeth thing is a myth... The dentist, pediatrician, and nutritionist all said so)
Hi dak-ind...
been a while since i've been on your blog, the offspring are really getting bigger now aren't they. :o)
Michele sent me
I so hear you. Retentive parents who insist on the ne-sais-ultra of anything are more annoying than I dare admit.
I grew up in a house much like yours. My parents didn't over-analyze everything. They gave us room to grow. It saddens me to see kids who don't have any breathing room in their own lives.
...Said he as he contemplated letting the kids redecorate the bathroom this weekend.
it's a habit that occurs with many infants. he will usually give it up naturally by the age of four.
He is adorable...and as a parent I agree with SamIAm...he'll give it up on his own before it does any damage. Michele says hi and I'm off to visit more of your blog.
you're doing just so well, going with the flow and not worrying too much... help where you can, but let him go with the flow... it's the only way in the end...
Like I said in the previous post just now....I love the way you do your mothering...
Indy is thriving! That's all that matters..so, whatever you are doing? It's working!
Best regards from NY!
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