Sunday, March 26, 2006


I was out walking with our Indy, and I noticed one of my neighbors had a pot of Cactii on her patio. It made me think of one of my very favorite ladies. I ran back home for the camera, and took a very bad picture with the express idea of sending you to visit her Sittin' Here in the Hills.

She is a wonderfully entertaining and interesting woman, who's blog is well worth the visit. I feel richer for having shared some of her life experiences thru her blog. Enjoy her Cactus garden, walk through her neighborhood in the Hollywood hills, visit the Costwolds, and meet some of her wonderfully entertaining friends!


The Gnat's Trumpet said...

I second that and I immediately thought of her magnificent cacti (is that correct?) when I saw that picture and read your intro. Michele sent me.

Your Mother said...

Hello. I think I've been here before. I'll be back to check around. Michele sends me today.

Conners said...

Cacti reminds me to my visit to Navada. There was a tour bus that took us out somewhere away from everything except another lone casino all by it's lonesome. But across from it was this huge hill and I just couldn't resist it.
Along the way up, we came across wild cacti, but little did I know there was a law against picking them. I dug down and gathered some different types up as if I was picking wild flowers. They were small but beautiful.
When we returned to our hotel, that's when we found out it was against the law, so we left them for the cleaning woman to plant in her garden rather than trying to bring them on the plane back to Canada.
What did we see at the airport? Nothing but cacti being sold to the tourists to take home.
Makes me wonder if they really were illegal to gather up or not. It was an unforgetable experience though even if we did come home without them.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Thank You So Much, my dear! What a lovely lovely compliment to me. And I dearly appreciate it. I know those Cacti, by the way...That is an Opuntia...(there is a second part to that but I can't think of it at the moment...that bit of purplish/pink color plus the shape is how I know this one...Darn! I hate that I cannot think of the rest of the name!...Oh well...if it comes back, I'll let you I am sorry I missed this when you first put it up, and I thank you for letting me know about it.
You know coming to visit you is one of my favorite places to stop...I always enjoy coming and seeing what you all have been up to, particularly that little imp called Indy!

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