Friday, November 17, 2006

More confessions of a worrier...

I don't know what happened to the care-free, care-less woman I once was. Sometimes, like today, I miss her.
Normally, I hear from my husband everyday while he is at work. I tease him about calling home so often. Today, he didn't call. Today he was at work for eleven hours with no word. Today, I called his work. I never do that unless there is an emergency. I don't even know the name of the regular receptionist, I have so little contact with her. But, I was worried. I don't even know WHAT I was worried about. But, I was worried. I had to be sure he was at work and okay.
A long time ago I lived with a nice man named Tom. It wasn't a grand romantic passionate love, but it was a comfortable, happy life until one day he went on an overnight visit to Idaho and instead of him coming home the next morning, a police officer showed up at our door to let me know that Tom wouldn't be coming home, ever. He had been killed in Idaho. Maybe that is why I worry when Indiana's dad is late home from work. Maybe, when you love someone, you just worry; either way.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, sometimes you just worry when you love someone. Even when you don't have a good reason (or ANY reason). It comes with the territory, I suppose. I mean, not that I would ever worry needlessly about anyone...


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Well, it is no wonder you worry not hearing from him....What a terrible thing to have happen and I can understand how NOT hearing from your husband would bring up that feeling of worry given what happened ro Tom...
I am assuming your husbad was okay...!

Bart Treuren said...

so sad... so often we don't question why we love or how we do so until it's too late...
our lives suck in so many ways, too many distractions and too many unrelated problems which lead us astray from the things that really matter...

thanks for posting this... it meant a lot to me..

keep well...