I do not spend a lot of time in Indiana's bedroom. Today I wandered in there to check on his laundry, see if it was time to wash; to my horror, I discovered that of his three toy boxes, none were more than half full. All his toys are thrown haphazardly around his room. So, consequently, today Indiana is going to learn the joys of putting toys IN the boxes. Hopefully it will be a lesson we can learn quickly and painlessly. Hey, I can hope.
good luck Misti Give the brat a hug for me love you all Kathryn
LOL, LOL, LOL...Well, lots of luck on that one! This may ge a very painful day fir both of you...but then again, maybe not!
Some days I wonder if my kiddo wanders behind me pulling out the stuff I'm putting away. I can never catch him doing it but I never seem to make any progress in the tidying.
one of the rites of passage... learning to tidy up after oneself :P
easier said than done, easier explained than enforced... keep well and keep your patience under control, you'll need it... ;-)
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