Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Joy to the World...

Today I bought the last real gift, got it wrapped up and placed nicely under the tree. All that remains of the shopping nightmare for me is to purchase a few last stocking stuffers for Brother Duck, and the ham for dinner. I never thought the end would come into sight but it has and its Glorious!
This year, if our gift pile seems smaller, its because not all of the packages are here. Some few special ones are hidden in other locations... And I think we spent more this year than last. Go figure.


♥Caroline♥ said...

Wow....that looks like your ready for a small army already!
Looks like you been keeping yourself really busy. Your oldest son looks like he is getting really muscular.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Well, I don't remember what it looked like last year but there certainly is an abundance under the tree this year and you say that not everything is there! Certain people are going to have a ball on Christmas Morning...certain little towheaded people whose names begins with an I and a D...! Good for them and for you for finishing 4 and 1/2 days before! Congratulations to you my dear!