Tuesday, September 12, 2006

On the battle field

My Union Duck taking out a few "rebs".

Although I myself haven't been south of the Mason-Dixon line (heck I don't know where the Mason-Dixon line IS, I just think the phrase sounds cool), Indiana's daddy is a proud southern gentleman. I wonder if we should tell him that the "Ducks" won this one?


kenju said...

The Mason-Dixon line runs through West Virginia, Dak-ind, but I am not sure exactly where! Michele sent me.

♥Caroline♥ said...

they look like they had alot of fun.
Fun while being educational. bonus!

John W Leys said...

The Mason-Dixon line is(partially) the borders between Pennsylvania, Virgina (and now W Virginia) and Delaware.

Star said...

Wouldn't it be funny if you got there and there was an actual line?Michele sent me.

David Edward said...

here from michele

Bart Treuren said...

aren't lines such funny things... they don't exist really but still we make such an enormous fuss about them... :D

here's a link on the mason-dixon line which i hope will be useful...

keep well ;-)

duckota said...

duck as a yankee whats up with that