Thursday, February 23, 2006

A Mystery in my Mind:

Things disappear around my house. I usually just assume that I had forgotten where I put something. That seems more rational to believe than, say, an invisible black hole that sucks things I need, like the remote control, into it while my back is turned.

In my mind I had completely convicted my spouse as being an uncaring, power-mad monster. Let me clarify. I found myself (in my head) being judge, jury, and executioner for the infraction of being unconcerned about the ever raising dollar amount of our power bill. Since we moved in to this apartment, we knew that our power bill would increase (this apartment is not on the boiler system, but has its own hot water heater, which means we now have the added expense of heating our water) . I have been cutting corners where I could with other power related items. One of the ways I can keep our power bill from spinning out of control is a little button on the front of the dishwasher with two settings. One setting is called Extended Heat Dry; the other, Economy dry. Ever thrifty, I click the economy setting and fire up the dishwasher. Each time I set the button, someone comes along and puts the setting back on heat dry. I kept wondering why my ordinarily rational husband would do such a thing. He never actually does dishes himself, why should he do something like this!?! What kind of jerk is he, that I am keeping the lights low, limiting myself to either a shower in the morning or a bath in the evening but no longer both, keeping the heat down to 62 degrees, and other such conservations, when he is trying to HEAT DRY the dishes!?! I curse him in my mind every time I reset the setting on the dishwasher.

He, it turns out, is innocent. I wonder if I should apologize for some of the things I called him that he never heard me say? Nah.

By the way, The remote control... Indy has a stash. I am not forgetful. Indy is a klepto. The only black hole vortex is the single sock sucking one in our clothes dryer.


Bart Treuren said...

damn sunshine... seems like you're in the same energy bind we're all in...
apparantly we're all being sucked dry, by expenses we've made by new technologies or our inability to check and control what's being done with our expenses...

i think it's high time to call a stop to all this... just a couple of ideas from my side...
- bring back energy, water and sanitation services to governmentally accountable services
- bring back environmental issues to the public front, not just commercially interested ones
- bring back health care, care for the socially less priviliged and care for the elderly to socially accountable services...

sorry sunshine... perhaps i'm ranting here in my middle aged mediocre way but i sincerely feel much has been lost in america and the world during the last twenty years...

keep well...

bornfool said...

Glad you're all moved in. Was Indy the dishwasher culprit, too?

OldHorsetailSnake said...

I have often wondered why the dryers do with those socks. Send 'em to mismatch Heaven?

tlm said...

Indy, don't give up that remote, no matter what Mommy says! You have control of the most important thing in the house.

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