Monday, February 13, 2006

Brief interruption of State Services...

We are moving...
Right now.
As I type this I am receiving dirty looks for slacking instead of packing. We have to be out by tomorrow night. We are relocating into a different unit. Thank you for all the ideas and support!

We will be unable to post for a few days until the phone company catches up with us.

Stay Tuned.


♥Caroline♥ said...

THANK GOD! see ya in a few days

Anonymous said...



sara said...

I echo the sentiment -- THANK GOD!

I hope your new unit is head and shoulders above your old one.

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Be sure to take all those drippings with you.

Bart Treuren said...

hey, you take care there... i hope your new abode is a little healthier to live in after this last episode...

see you round...

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Hoping all is going well with your move, my dear...I know you all will be glad to be in a different HEALTHIER space...! Much Good Luck with the new place...

Sam I Am said...

omg.Indy's is going to get his dog..Much Good Luck on you and your new place..We know that you are soooo happy.way to go ..

Jude said...

Stopping by to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! From C.C.'s blog... hope it's a good day!

Bart Treuren said...

you making progress sunshine?
hope you and yours are keeping well and managing to keep up with the removal nonsense...

relax, breathe deeply and remember us... we're thinking of you ;-)

keep well :D

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I hope you are out of that cesspool of an apartment and into your new "Clean" place...!

Pirate said...

I am still tuned.