So, here the pictures... commentary at the end
Duck is all officially a high school-er now... where did the time go!?!
Duck got a new puppy named Barbosa... he's a menace (the dog not the boy).
Nate got a new truck... we try not to let him drive it.
Nicole and John threw Indiana into the Pacific Ocean... he didn't drown.
Indy has a new girlfriend... the little neighbor girl Rosa.
Indy has a buddy, Daniel... As long as Daniel stays away from Rosa, it's all smiles.
Duck has friends... not sure how that happened.
Oh, and John's home now... sigh, nothing interesting to that.
Nicole might come live with us... cross your fingers!
We might be moving this coming weekend... hold on for more updates.
I am rooting for you to get the home of your dreams. Also, got fingers crossed. Anything else you want?
I'm so glad I came over here on a day filled with pictures and uodates!
Indy has grown so...Lordy..Time does have a way of flying...!
Hope this possible move is what you have been longing for...!
Busy Busy Busy, cute puppy dog!
They do grow soooo fast.
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