When it rains it pours.
Do you ever feel like if just one more thing goes wrong you will just lose it?
that's been my last few months.
the newest disappointment?
Well, i was so excited because it looked like i was going to have a job starting in July. I had to take the training (unpaid throughout June, then start work in July). So, i went and did the prereqs to get started. I had to have a vaccination (since when i was little a person only needed one mmr shot, now ya need two). I had to go get a TB test and wait a couple days for a result. While i waited for the result the class filled up and now the job i was counting on is gone. I still might be able to get in if someone else drops out, but i do not have my hopes up because life has been suckin pretty badly, so the odds are not good. the good news i guess is that i don't have TB. i already knew that, but i had to have the test and result before i could turn in my application. So, if Chris doesn't find something soon, we are totally screwed.
so. now what? i just do not know. i know this blog is supposed to be about Indy, not me and my frustrations, but i needed an outlet. i don't feel like i can talk to my usual "support structure" people. I just can't dump my overwhelmed stuff on them. I do not know what answer there is to this. Maybe there isn't one, and i am just destined to forever walk through this life screwed.
at least school seems to be going good.
I've been feeling like that since about Last December. I take one day at a time and try to get thru it. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
i don't feel like i can talk to my usual "support structure" people. I just can't dump my overwhelmed stuff on them. I do not know what answer there is to this. Maybe there isn't one, and i am just destined to forever walk through this life screwed.
Well, if you are always this melodramatic and self pitying then they probably don't want to talk to you either. Shit, you'd think your the only one in the world with problems
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