Monday, October 06, 2008

there is a season...

I have a legitimate reason for not blogging lately. I swear, I do.

There have been many changes going on for us, and life has gotten so busy. So here it is, the REASON for not blogging in a while: WE MOVED! we got so very lucky, we have the best landlords and a lease/option chance to buy our own home! The house is three doors down and across the street from my mom. So, Indy gets to grow up with grandpa and Tooti so close! I admit, we have been here a week and a day, but with packing the old place and unpacking the new one, getting Ana (We have guardianship of Anastasjia, now) in school, and settled with buses, it's been a busy time.
We also got Indy a dog. His name is Bosco, and we all LOVE him. He gets along with all the people and pets that come in and out of our home (well he doesn't get along with Barbossa, but then, who does). We figure we can gradually continue to introduce the two of them and hopefully one day they can be buddies.
So, anyways, i will share more pictures of our house and our dog and as always Indy and the rest of our "motley crue" later... thanks for your patience!


♥Caroline♥ said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! with the move, the new additions to the family...
who is ana?
Can't wait and see everything!

Anonymous said...

its only cuz bossa is a crazy pit :P

Anonymous said...

thats cuz bossa is a beast