Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Shining moments

Today, Indiana became a klutz. He was running through the neighborhood, happily investigating everything when IT happened. BOOM he lost his balance and down he went. He bashed his head pretty good off of the concrete. Later, he was struggling to get outside again before I shut the door and his head got whacked with the closing door. Still later he tumbled head first off of the couch. So, I believe that if Indy doesn't turn out to be the genius of his age, we can look back on the head injuries he sustained today and know the reason why.


♥Caroline♥ said...

Poor little Indy! well they say they come in 3's...
Hope he got lots of kisses on his bumps and bruises!
Then wrap him up in bubble wrap..lol

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LORDY! All in one day! Poor little guy! You have got to get a camera, my dear....I NEED my Indy Fix! (lol)

karla said...

Put a helmet on that kid. Or one of those Elizabethan collars that dogs wear when their owners are trying to prevent them from chewing on a wound.

Bart Treuren said...

thank heavens children seem to be elastic at moments... otherwise the human race would be doomed...

oregoncelticlady said...

And then when they grow like crazy at pre-teen stage, they walk into walks that have always been there! Geez, it is like she is smokin' something!

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