There is so much anger and debate over Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Festivus, et al. i am sure i am missing someones holiday, leaving someone out, whatever...
Here's my bit.
Many of my readers may not know of our religious preference. We aren't hiding anything, but honestly, I never felt like it mattered enough to point out our basic Catholic-ness. We aren't particularly observant, and Indiana was never Christened. It bothers me a little that he wasn't, but it's not making me lose any sleep. We attend Mass on Christmas and again on Easter. God understands, at least mine does. I do not particularly care if my friends are Catholic, Jewish, Islam, Buddhist, Mormon, or Wicca (again, i left tons of religions, denominations, classifications etc out...not because i meant to hurt any ones feelers but because if i listed them all here i would need to buy a server of my own... i digress.) you can believe what you want... i do. The point? This post isn't about what religion, holiday, celebration or whatever is right and wrong.
This post is about Santa Claus. Not the person, the spirit.
To me: The spirit of Santa is donating a warm jacket to your local homeless shelter. The spirit of Santa is holding the door open at the mall for the young mother walking up behind you. The spirit of Santa is giving a new pair of comfortable shoes to the senior center. The spirit of Santa is letting someone out in traffic in front of you. The spirit of Santa is giving food or funding or your time to your local food bank. The spirit of Santa is sewing a quilt and giving it to your local children's agency. The spirit of Santa is purchasing the coffee of the man in the car behind you at the drive up coffee place. The spirit of Santa is smiling at the young fellow riding his bicycle past you as you walk down the sidewalk. Really. That's it.
Take the time to treat your fellow man, woman, and child kindly. Help them stay warm and fed over the winter, when times are hardest. If you cant bring your self to be charitable and helpful to another human being purely for the pleasure of being helpful, remember... One day it could be YOU standing in line at that food bank.
Having been a recipient of the Food Bank in years past, I do agree completely that the spirit of Santa is about giving from the heart and helping out.
Michele sent me.
Michele sent me too. You get two for one sometimes with us.
Right and wrong can mean different things to different people.
Hello, Michele sent me. Wouldn't it be great if the spirit of Santa could close the malls during the season?!
The old "do unto others" trick, my favorite adage. Right on.
BEAUTIFULLY said, my dear...And I agree, 110%! I love 'The Spirit of Santa Claus', and have always felt that the most satisfying giving is Anonymous. I guess ause I feel there is a purity to that...What you get out of it is the heartfewlt satisfaction that you helped someone....They don't have to "know" who you are....and wjat is so wonderfully satisfying about this is: You know you have touched another person's life in a selfless act.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Hi, just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog the other day - No, I do live in New Hampshire - just cook like a southerner - and Hispanic...Have great holidays!
You nailed it girl!!!
Unfortunately X-mas time is the only time that we all do a little more to help our fellow man.
Have a great christmas
I try to have "the spirit of santa" all year long. My Mom taught at a young age that giving to others is the best thing you can give to yourself. Plus, I have so much love to give, it would be wrong to keep it all for myself. :)
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