Monday, December 24, 2007

Over Weight and Over Thirty:

for a few years now i have been "heavy". i don't mean the shut in my house, need to pull a wall down and use a crane to get me out, but "heavy". After having Indy i realized that my thin days were over. My teenage years were packed with size 6 jeans and a teenage girls insecurity about being fat. back then i never would have believed the pleasure i have today, as i fit comfortably into an 18 for the first time since before i had the baby (i bought two pairs of the new, smaller size yesterday). I tried on a pair of 16's, and although i could button them, i couldn't breathe afterwards. Last summer, at the height of my weight, i wore a size 24. So, i am still round, but not as round as i used to be and am committed to continuing to lose weight and be healthier for my sons.


♥Caroline♥ said...

I would be happiest person on earth if i could get back into a 18 or 16...i really need to buckle down and lose this weight.

I am rooting for you!

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

if you want to be healthier for us u need to quit smoking